Photography: Charles Phillips
Make Up: Nikita Weir
Model: Tamika Grant
Creative Director: Charles Phillips
Photography: Charles Phillips
Model: Tamika Grant
Make Up: Leann Edghill
Creative Director: Charles Phillips
Wardrobe: Krave the Band
Photography: Charles Phillips
Model: Scott Henry
Photography: Charles Phillips
Make Up: Leann Edghill
Model: Rosilia Gonsalves
Creative Director: Charles Phillips
Designer: Latoya Daniels
Photography: Charles Phillips
Make Up: Leann Edghill
Model: Dazzy Skye
Creative Director: Charles Phillips
Photography: Charles Phillips
Model: Fabian Alleyne
Photography: Charles Phillips
Make Up: Leann Edghill
Model: Tamika Grant
Designer: Lauren Austin
Photography: Charles Phillips
Make Up: Leann Edghill
Models: Anneke Scheper & Chelsie Grant
Photography: Charles Phillips
Model: Kemar Daniel
Photography: Charles Phillps
Make Up: Leann Edghill
Model: Dazzy Skye
Photography: Charles Phillips
Models: Cara Thornhill & Latoya Daniels
Designer: Latoya Daniels
Photography: Charles Phillips
Models: Cara Thornhill, Latoya Daniels & Rosilia Gonsalves
Designer: Latoya Daniels
Photography: Charles Phillips
Model: Rosilia Gonsalves
Designer: Latoya Daniels
Photography: Charles Phillips
Creative Director: Karlos Yearwood
Photography: Charles Phillips
Make Up: Iheart Make Up
Model: Aisha Belgrave
Hair & Styling: Traron Johnson
Photography: Charles Phillips
Make Up: Leann Edghill
Designer: Shanon
Photography: Charles Phillips
Model: Cara Thornhill
Photography: Charles Phillips
Make Up: Nikita Weir
Model: Kristen Walker
Photography: Charles Phillips
Creative Director: Karlos Yearwood
Photography: Charles Phillips
Model: Fabian Alleyne
Photography: Charles Phillips
Make Up: Leann Edghill
Model: Shanae King
Hair: W Salons
Designer: Shanon
Photography: Charles Phillips
Make Up: Lean Edghill
Model: Chelsie Grant
Designer; Yinktt
Photography: Charles Phillips
Make Up: Leann Edghill
Model: Krystal Byer
Designer: Krystal Byer
All imagery displayed is the copyrighted property of Imagin Inc. and its content creators.